
Coming up next:

Several visits are arranged each year to organisations in and around Cambridge who have an international reputation for the application of research. You must be a subscribing member of CSAR to join a visit, and on most occasions you will need to provide your own transport. There is a charge of £10 per person to cover costs. Where there is a chance that a visit will be oversubscribed, members with individual or family subscriptions may be offered priority booking.

Once events are listed, places can be booked and paid for through Bookwhen.

Recent visits have been to the British Antarctic Survey; CMR Surgical, to see its world-leading Versius system of next-generation robotic-assisted surgery; Greene King’s historic Bury St Edmunds Brewery in the company of Ross O’Hara, the youngest Master Brewer in the UK; and to the Cavendish Laboratory’s Maxwell Centre, one of the world's leading physics research laboratories and its Centre dedicated to industrial and societal applications. Here are some comments from attendees:

"The BAS tour was SO good – just brilliant!"

An excellent visit to the British Antarctic Survey [who] were excellent and interesting hosts.”

"Thank you for this fantastic event. I greatly enjoyed the visit – a lot of interesting insight not just into the technology but also the journey from the business side and seeing manufacturing challenges. A real pleasure."

"It was engaging, fascinating and a great tribute to the endeavours of the visionaries who set up the company. The sense of common purpose in the workforce was palpable and I don’t think I have ever seen a working environment where all were so engaged and focused on the task in hand."

"Very interesting, with two lectures from very knowledgeable Professors. The initial visit to the Cavendish museum conducted by Professor Emeritus Malcolm Longair, really wetted the appetite for a future visit to go around again and linger. Professor Sir Richard Friend’s lecture and question session could have gone on until the evening. Another fascinating CSAR visit. Thanks to all concerned."

"I thoroughly enjoyed the visit, which I found very inspiring. The history of the Maxwell Centre and the wealth of ideas and accomplishments of the scientists working there were breath-taking, often using very cheap, homemade equipment. The speakers were very enthusiastic and good communicators. The organisation went well and we are very privileged to have in Cambridge such a world-class Institute."