Abby Berhane

Department of Engineering

Abby is a final-year CDT PhD student at the Whittle Laboratory and a 2021 Amelia Earhart Fellow. This recognises her as one of thirty-five women globally producing outstanding research in aerospace. As part of her PhD, she has developed a unique experimental process to manufacture and aerodynamically test engine-representative roughness in-house. This new capability earned her the faculty-nominated Freeman Award. Abby plans to continue her career in academia where she can provide mentorship to a new generation of aerospace engineers. She believes sustainability is the next frontier in innovation and hopes to encourage diverse and creative thinking in this arena.

Other 2024 award winners

Malik Al Nasir

Adrián Bazaga

Alberto Conti

Nadia Erkamp

Joe Hutton

Kiarash Jamali

Henry North

David Posner

Mayumi Sato

Carolyn Smith

Haichao Wang

Previous award winners

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