"The Larmor Lecture" - The Computational UniverseProfessor Leslie Valiant, Harvard UniversityMon 13th Oct 2014Find out more
Learning to Remember: How should we teach History?The "Festival of Ideas" DebateMon 20th Oct 2014View posterFind out more
Human Metabolic Disease: Lessons from the ExtremesProfessor Sir Stephen O'Rahilly, Clinical Biochemistry, University of CambridgeMon 3rd Nov 2014View posterFind out more
The Living Time Machine: Non-verbal intelligenceProfessor Nikky Clayton FRS and Clive Wilkins, Dep.Psychology, University of CambridgeMon 17th Nov 2014View posterFind out more
Building a Climate System Laboratory: Modelling the climate systemProfessor Dame Julia Slingo DBE, Chief Scientist, UK Met. OfficeMon 1st Dec 2014View posterFind out more
Prospects and Obstacles affecting Cell Replacement in HumansProfessor Sir John Gurdon, Dept. Zoology, University of CambridgeMon 15th Dec 2014View posterFind out more
Innovation in PracticeProfessor Andy Hopper, Computer Laboratory, University of CambridgeMon 19th Jan 2015View posterFind out more
Ripping up the Rule Book in Formula OneProfessor Tony Purnell, Systems Design, Royal Academy of EngineeringMon 2nd Feb 2015View posterFind out more
Flying 300 Underwater Planes and other Oil Industry InnovationsDr Simon Bittleston, Vice President Research, SchlumbergerMon 2nd Mar 2015View posterFind out more
Meet the Authors: Four authors will talk about their new booksProfessor John Barrow FRS, Dr Spike Bucklow, Graham Farmelo, Dr Jerry TonerMon 16th Mar 2015View posterFind out more
This House believes that the Government should fund discovery of new antibiotics and control their distribution and useDr Nick Brown, Dr Zack Hassan, Dr David Williams, Dr Ewan Harrison, Dr Mark HolmesMon 13th Apr 2015View posterFind out more
New developments in Machine Intelligence: Microsoft Machine Learning and PerceptionProfessor Chris Bishop, Microsoft Research, CambridgeMon 27th Apr 2015View posterFind out more
Dragonfly Wings: A model evolutionary systemDr Robin Wootton, University of ExeterMon 11th May 2015View posterFind out more
Finding Patterns in Genes and ProteinsDr Sarah Teichmann, Sanger Institute / EMBLMon 1st Jun 2015View posterFind out more
The Saga of the Miles M-52 Britain's Wartime Supersonic ProjectRod Kirkby, CSAR Organizing SecretaryMon 8th Jun 2015View posterFind out more
Gallium Nitride LEDs: How they can save energy, purify water, improve our health (and be made here in the UK)Professor Sir Colin Humphreys, Director of Research, Dept. Materials Science & Metallurgy, University of CambridgeMon 15th Jun 2015View posterFind out more